Research questions


Which painting plants have a relatively large yield of dye, and are therefore suited for use on a larger scale?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

How can waste of the food industry be used to extract natural dye?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

Which applications of dye plants are of interest for society?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

Which binders are best suited for different printing techniques and to what extent does this depend on the used colourants/pigments?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

Which extraction methods are (per plants) most beneficial to obtain as much dye as possible?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

Which techniques (like changing the pH) are there to influnece the intensity of natural colourants?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

What is the function of colourants (for instance, in the roots of) plants?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

Why does the amount of colourant in plants change over time?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

How do the surroundings (soil, other plants) influnece the creation of colourants in the plant?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

What does an accumulator like Lycopodium (ground pine) do to the structure of a colourant?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

Which colourants in plants benefit from the use of natural deep eutectic solvents?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

What is the chemical background of the change of natural colourants, by adding tannin or another natural flux material, as opposed to metal salts?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

What is the dominant factor for the degradation of alkannin (from the plant Alkanna tinctoria)?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

How does the harvesting method influence the quality of the extracted colourants?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication

Are there factors during the extraction process that influence the nuance of the final colourant?

Pilot study - - - - - - - Experiments - - - - - - - Result analysis - - - - - - - Publication